Stand Up To Parkinson’s

A Global Movement to Slow the Progression of Parkinson’s Through Exercise

April 11, 2025

STAND UP TO PARKINSON’S represents global members of the Parkinson’s community who know that exercise can slow the progression of the disease.

On April 11, 2025 join individuals and organizations from around the world in the commitment to stand up to Parkinson’s Disease by collectively completing 2,000,000 Sit to Stands in 24 hours!

Get Involved

1. Complete as many sit to stands as you can in 24 hours on April 11, 2025!

2. Come back here on April 11, 2025 to log your sit to stand number.

3. Share on social media! Share your count and encourage your community to join in on the fun using the hashtags #standup2pd and #sit2stand!


  • A sit to stand is the transitional movement of going from a seated position to an upright standing position. This motion is one of the most important and energy-consuming basic motions in everyday life and is a great and useful exercise for Parkinson’s!

  • Return to this page,, on April 11, 2025 and log your count using the form on the main page! The form will be visible on April 11, 2025.

  • Yes! Log your group total using the above form. Indicate how many people completed sit to stands, the total number completed and include your group or affiliate name if you’d like.

  • Yes! Count your sit to stands and log at the end of the day OR log several times throughout the day, as you complete them. There’s always time for a few more!

  • Share your participation in the challenge on social media and encourage your community to join you! Help us hit 2,000,000 sit to stands completed world wide!